Post-interview: the waiting and expectations

Last week, I had a job interview. I was very excited. It’s for a local tech company with a 10 year history that is looking to rapidly grow.

I did all the preparation I could in a few short days. I researched their products. I combed through their website and social media to have questions and ideas. I made a cheat sheet for all the acronyms. I practiced answers to those interview questions you always hate, like “tell us about a time you failed…” I was ready.

I think it went well, but it didn’t go as expected. I had forgotten how intensive their online application was. I had already answered all those interview questions you hate. The system had rated my answers well, so I was brought in. This interview was more about the personality fit. So it went about as well as I can control. We both know that I can do this job and we barely even talked about that.

Now I wait. Interviews were being held Friday and Monday. Today it is Tuesday. Decisions will be made by the end of the week. It all comes down to personality fit. I think we got along well but that doesn’t mean that one of the other candidates won’t get along better. I won’t know until later in the week. I wait.

I’m excited! I would really like this job! I mean, yes, after 9 months of unemployment I want almost any job. But I really like this company. I could do well there.

I’m trying not to be too excited. I’m trying to not plan how I announce I have a job to family and friends. I’m trying not think about the celebration spending spree I’ll probably go on: dinner out, new clothes, maybe a tablet.

Tempering expectations is hard. There’s only a 1 in however many people they’re interviewing chance that they pick me. Probably 6 to 10 people. Maybe less. I want to be ready for the bad news email or phone call. So I try to distract myself. I’m trying to still apply for jobs instead of taking the whole week off waiting hopefully. But I’m having to make myself do it.

I tell myself that even if they don’t pick me that this is a victory and it is. Of the 100+ jobs in tech and insurance that I’ve applied to in the past 9 months, this is the first interview. They picked me. I made it through the screening process. More will come if this job doesn’t pan out.

I wait. And I try not to get too excited. This is my week.


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