New focus

So…I didn’t get the job last week. From the feedback I received, I was beat out more a broader range of skills and more technical background. Very frustrating but out of my control.

In many ways, that interview was a victory: my first tech company interview! It gave me hope that more interviews like this might happen.

But it does feel a bit like a pyrrhic victory. After 9 months of searching and over 110 applications, that was the first tech company interview. My applications are pretty evenly split between tech and insurance, and I’ve had only one interview in either field. What makes these two fields similar is their abundance in this region, and my lack of industry experience. I’m getting beat out because I don’t have industry experience, but how do you get experience if no one will hire you?

This week, I’m going to try and change my focus. I’m researching the marketing agencies in the area and sending in applications. If my search for marketing jobs has been failing because of applying to industries I have no specific experience in, maybe I’ll have better luck just focusing on marketing.

If nothing else, I’m trying to avoid insanity by doing something different instead of repeating unsuccessful action and hoping for a different result.

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