Back at it?

I started this while out of work. I had been laid off and wanted to write something longer than tweets. I was also trying to keep it clean enough that if job prospects really wanted to see my writing skills, I had something to show them.

Then I got a job. Hurray! And I promptly stopped writing here. It wasn’t planned. It just happened.

But my ideas keep happening. I keep wanting to write. So I’m going to start up again. I don’t know how often or about what. But there’s now a WordPress icon on my tablet (that I bought to celebrate getting a job). That means there’s no excuse not to.

What am I going to write?

Well, we got a Nintendo Switch during March break. And our local library has Switch games to borrow. I will likely write quick reviews as my 7-year-old son and I play them.

I’m sure there will be more quick gaming character idea sketches. I’m part of two sporatic gaming groups which means I have too many rules and character ideas in my head and not enough chance to play any of them.

After that? We’ll see. Likely a lot of puns and other terrifible jokes. You’ve been warned.

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