
My hair is getting a bit long. My hair is usually pretty short and I get it cut about the time it starts to flip a bit in the back. That’s where it is now.
I’m tempted to let it grow out more. Partially as an experiment and partially to save money on a haircut.
But if I get a call for an interview, I’ll probably abandon the experiment.

Instruments I don’t need, but want anyway

Being a musician is dangerous. Financially.

Once you have one instrument, you want a better one. Or you want to play a different one. I play enough instruments that I can round out the rhythm section: guitar, bass, keyboard and drums. If I want to get better, I should take more lessons on piano or to play lead guitar.

Instead I tend to look elsewhere to instruments I’m not likely to ever get to play with anybody. The two biggest culprits are hand percussion and mandolin. I want them.

Whenever I play with others, I mostly stick to bass or rhythm guitar. And I sing. The odds of me playing conga or cajon in a band are very slim. But I have a cajon and I want mini congas. I’ve seen them. They’re cute. I want a djembe you can tune with a drum key, but I really don’t need that. Maybe I just want to play more drums and this would be a portable way to do it.

I’m not sure why I want to play mandolin. First I should work on lead guitar if I want to play a lead line. Maybe I like the percussive way you play it.

I’ve always liked the Godin family of guitars. My first 2 acoustics were Art & Lutherie. My wife’s guitar is a Seagull. I’ve often wished that they made mandolins because I like their quality. Now I’ve seen that they do make a Seagull mandolin and I have gear lust again.

Good thing I’m poor right now.

Well, them Duke boys was in a heap of trouble…

Quick campaign idea to play with later:

A small town plagued by bandits led by two brothers. They’re good old boys, never meaning no harm, but the leadership of the town is very corrupt. When making their getaway, these ‘Baron’ brothers tend to leap over things on their horses while hollering in tandem. The town’s sheriff is very corrupt but offers a big bounty on the bandits. The party should be conflicted over who to side with.

The what now?

Welcome to Terrifible!

My brand new blog about…well, something. I’m sure it will change as it goes. I don’t have a grand plan, so we’re making this up as we go. What ever I talk about, I will try to stick to these rules:

  1. Reviews are just my opinions: I might like a thing. I might not. Either way, I’m not attacking the thing or the people who created it. I’m not calling into question those who like or hate the thing. If I question why people like or hate the thing, it’s because I want to know how they got there, not judge how they got there. My feelings on the thing are likely to change.
  2. Tags: I want to tag posts. Mostly so I can track what I’m writing about. Feel free to pay no attention to these. If I start writing enough it may become useful.

Huh. I’m sure there will be more. This may become the About Page at a later date.

What does Terrifible mean?

You know that feeling when you have an idea but you don’t trust yourself to know if it’s good or bad? Terrifible is the word I made up to describe that: it’s going to be either terrible or terrific. But the only way to know for sure is to say it and get the opinion of others. Welcome to my sounding board.