Cover letters

Looking for work is some of the hardest work you will ever have to do. Maybe not physically anymore, but emotionally it can be really tough.

The part of applying for jobs that can take the most out of you is writing cover letters. You know, the letter you write that tells the company how you fit their job description and how excited you are to work for them? You want creative writing samples: just look at cover letters.

You want to find something personal to connect to either the company or their product. You need to let them know how much you want to work for them. You want to work, but it’s really hard to know much about a company from their website, social media and any press they may have.

Sometimes it’s really hard to be excited about a company or their product. How much do you love carpeting and flooring? Did you have a life changing event involving pairing sink and faucet designs? Did you meet your partner while picking a case for your smartphone? “We both reached for the MegaDefensor model. Our hands touched. Our eyes met and we knew. We knew that by both longing for the ultimate in device protection that we also shared a similar worldview…we shared a soul.”

Can’t I just say “You have a job posted requiring X experience. I happen to have that experience and would like to be paid to use said experience. I’m sure I will learn to love your company.”?

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